An innovative technological platform, able to maximize the active ingredients of natural substances and thus allow a biologically correct interaction with surprising results. EPT technology is a process that guarantee a natural, non-chemical and ecologically sustainable action as it is able to enhance existing substances in nature. It represents significant progress in the food, agricultural, livestock and industrial chemical industries, including the organic product segment and waste disposal. The use of EPT technology can replace the use of many chemical agents and toxic substances, guaranteeing safety and quality, increasing production and respecting the environments.
NUTRA-S FLOW is composed of a type of elemental sulfur in the form of micro-particles's suspension. This characteristic allows it to be partially absorbed by plants, thus assuming an essential nutritional role for proteins formation. If applied, it can reduce the use of plant protection products and it promote nutritional balance. NUTRA-S FLOW can be applied in soils or in development phases in which it is necessary to stimulate crops nutrition, or when a fungicidal and insecticidal action is required. NUTRA-S FLOW can replace the use of aggressive products. It can be applied alone or in combination with other compatible products.
All types of crop
Spray the plants with aqueous solutions at 0.3 to 0.5% Customized protocols are available upon request
Elemental sulfur and adjuvants powered by EPT technology.
Consistency: yellow liquid
Odor: characteristic
Packaging: 1-5 liters/1000 Kg Big-Bag Shelf life: 1 year