An innovative technological platform, able to maximize the active ingredients of natural substances and thus allow a biologically correct interaction with surprising results. EPT technology is a process that guarantee a natural, non-chemical and ecologically sustainable action as it is able to enhance existing substances in nature. It represents significant progress in the food, agricultural, livestock and industrial chemical industries, including the organic product segment and waste disposal. The use of EPT technology can replace the use of many chemical agents and toxic substances, guaranteeing safety and quality, increasing production and respecting the environments.
OdorBlock is a catalyst with a stabilizing effect on organic matter. Its compound is enzymatic based and its potential has been increased thanks to EPT (Energy Potential Technology). OdorBlock blocks the development process of odors deriving from the bacterial loads of the organic masses and has a wide spectrum use. Particularly suitable in places where odor development control is needed, such as in farms, on organic waste management sites and in food production sites. In addition to removing insects and flies, it also has a sanitizing action. It is a non-chemical and GMO-free product.
Organic waste composting industry and industrial composting production
From 100 to 300 cc per 100 liters of washing water.
Enzymatic compound enhanced with EPT technology.
Consistency: Brownish liquid
Odor: Pungent Characteristic
Packaging: 1-5 liters and 1000 liters Big-Bag Shelf life: 1 year